I was craving eggs benedict the other day, but I tried making it years ago and failed miserably. Deciding that I've learned a thing or two over the years, I thought I'd try it again.
I dished some up for my husband and myself and we ate it. After which he told me that he's always hated eggs benedict, but that this was really good to him. lol... He even went back for seconds. ;)
Not for the diet conscious, since hollandaise sauce is basically just butter and egg yolk.
I found the hollandaise recipe online... just click on the link to go to the original recipe.
Eggs BenedictWhat you'll need:
English muffins
ham or bacon
lemon juice
cayenne pepper
For the hollandaise sauce, here are the amounts:
1 1/3 cup of butter
2 egg yolks
2 tbsp of cold water
1 tbsp of lemon juice
1 tsp of salt
pinch of cayenne pepper (I used alot more than a pinch)
Make your hollandaise sauce first.
Melt the butter in a medium-sized saucepan over a low heat.

Once the butter has melted, remove the pan from the heat and set aside.
Taking a spoon, skim off the foam from the surface of the melted butter and discard.
Transfer the rest of the butter to a warmed pouring jug and set aside.
Pour 2 inches of water into a saucepan and heat so that the water is gently simmering but not boiling.

In a glass bowl, whisk the egg yolks with the water until frothy.

Place the bowl over the pan of simmering water and continue to whisk the egg yolks for several minutes until they have thickened.

Remove the bowl from the heat and continue to whisk the eggs for a further minute, in order for the eggs to cool down.

Place the bowl with the eggs back into the saucepan but remove the saucepan from the heat.
VERY slowly, pour the melted butter into the egg yolk mixture, making sure that you continuously whisk the eggs whilst doing so. This is very important. If you add the butter too quickly it will not emulsify and it will separate, or "break". This actually DID happen to me... Don't throw it out! I'll show you how to fix it! :) So, if you finish with this step and you HAVE broken the sauce, continue with the next steps and we'll fix it in the end. :)
I didn't photo this, either. I was too busy whisking.
Whisk in the remaining ingredients until they have thoroughly blended together and the sauce is as thick as you require.
So, this is what MY hollandaise sauce looked like:

Gross, right?
Okay, to fix this mess takes a little bit of time, but it's not difficult. Take a glass bowl and rinse it under hot water to warm the bowl a little. Dry it. Add about 1 tsp of lemon juice in the bowl, then add 1 tbsp of the broken sauce. Whisk until this emulsifies, and makes a creamy sauce. Now continue to add the broken sauce, 1/2 - 1 tbsp at a time, whisking to combine between each. Eventually, you'll have this:

Check the seasoning and then serve immediately or keep warm over a bowl of hot water for up to 30 minutes.
Now for the rest. I didn't take any pictures of the eggs poaching. :( I'm sorry.
So, to start you want to add water to a pot. Make it at least 5 inches deep. Add a tsp or two of vinegar. That's actually totally optional, but it's believed that it will help the egg whites stay together.
Bring that to a low simmer and heat up your ham while you wait for it. If you use bacon, you'll want to have that cooked.
Break an egg open, and place in a cup. That will make it easier to place in the simmering water.
Gently place the eggs in the water, one by one, and cook for 3 minutes - or until the whites are done but the yolks are still runny.
While the eggs cook, toast your english muffins. When they're toasted, butter them and place the ham on top.
Using a slotted spoon, scoop out the eggs and place them on the ham. If you're making alot and the english muffins aren't ready, you can place the eggs on a paper towel to wait.
Now, put some hollandaise sauce over the top and you're done! :)