Whether you call it Risengrød, Risgrynsgröt or Risgrøt, it's all the same thing. Rice Porridge. :)
A Scandinavian Christmas Eve tradition, risengrød has quickly become one of my favorite comfort foods. I'm eating a bowl of it right now, as a matter of fact. ;)
I found this recipe on an about.com article.
What you'll need:
1 1/2 C water
1 Tbsp butter
1/2 tsp salt
1 C rice (I used calrose, because it's my fave and I always have on hand)
4 1/2 C milk (I used 2%)
Cinnamon, sugar and butter to taste
Rinse rice well and drain.
In a heavy-bottomed saucepan, bring water, butter, and salt to a rapid boil over high heat.

Pour in rice, stirring constantly to prevent sticking.

Reduce heat to low, stirring rice until boiling is reduced to a simmer. Cover pot and simmer for 10 to 15 minutes, until rice has absorbed most of the water.

Personally, I think the rice is delicious just like this. :) But it's definitely not porridge yet.
Add milk to rice, stirring to incorporate.

Bring mixture to a boil, stirring constantly, then immediately reduce heat to low. Once boiling has reduced to a simmer, cover pot and allow to cook for 45 minutes. (Some say to stir occasionally, others say not to touch it the whole 45 minutes. I stirred occasionally.)

I should have cooked it just a bit longer, because this just wasn't quite thick enough for my liking... But, what do ya do?
Top with a little butter and cinnamon/sugar to taste. :)
For a quick riskrem, mix cold risengrød with some sweetened and whipped cream. Drizzle some raspberry sauce over the top!